Not many things have held as much revere as the humble laptop, business men would strut their stuff with laptop under arm, ladies who lunch would write their novels in coffee shops, and young boys (who’s parents could afford it) would search for ilicit images on teh internet… but after years of loyal service this Toshiba Laptop has been kicked to the curb.

discarded tech toshiba laptop

“Rotting in the rain, the tosh is rotting in the rain…”

discarded tech toshiba laptop

Toshiba’s finest latest, top of the range on the street corner in Shepherds Bush!

discarded tech toshiba laptop

So what else is in the bag? a Toshiba Laptop, some RAM, power adapter for a Toshiba Laptop… and some forgotten Laptop Love!

Once this awesome collaboration between Hitachi and Philips comes complete with Philips serial number A51EAL155X10 088661 KZ and matches similar models by Sanyo, so this is quite a rare find!

discarded tech A51EAL155X10

A51EAL155X10 Hitachi made by Philips

discarded tech hitachi

One can only wonder how many episodes of Countdown this set has delivered.

discarded tech hitachi

Hitachi dumpty sat on the wall, Hitachi dumpty had a great fall…”

No walk through Camden would be complete without a quick visit and or selfie with one of the district’s hidden secrets…

discarded tech car

Dude where’s my discarded car?

discarded tech car camden

Classic discard by the throw away society!

discarded tech steering wheel

“I’ve been driving all night, my hands are wet on the wheel…”

Well, that’s what it is, its a ring that holds boats. You can give it a fancy name if you want, but when it becomes Discarded Tech, it becomes what it is seen as!

discarded tech boat holder

Classic example of a Boat Holder that has been discarded by leaving it where it was erected on the banks of the Thames

There are many of these scattered around any place where boats have been launched, and if you look carefully you will see more of them, and they are an absolute marvel of engineering technology, not much has changed since their invention, the principle has remained the same, however the construction has become a little more sophisticated.


discarded tech wynch

This Winch was discarded, and left behind at Lulworth cove, and probably still is there!

I do enjoy a walk in nature, but very few walks encounter a hint of past activities, that could very quickly become current. The very next corner could easily present a battery of zivania swigging Cypriots looking for grouse!

discarded tech shot gun cartridge

This cartridge is testament to there once upon a time having been some wild life in Cyprus (where this picture was taken!)

We all know the feeling, you get to the shop and “oh no” forgot to draw cash… so off we go to the cash point to plug out plastic into the slot and recite the four character gateway poem so that the robot will eject some promissory letters… until someone forgot to put the robot back in the wall!

discarded tech cash point

This hole in the wall left a hole in my heart, and a hole in my wallet!

Don’t say you have never looked at the TV on teh pavement and tried to find a place, if not in your living room, then in your heart… and if you are like me, you would have found a place to put it, tune it in to all possible channels, and turn it on along with the HD LED TV just so that you can prove it still works!

discarded tech tv

Under cover of nightfall the TV pixies left this outside this house… I wonder when the owner will wake up and find their surprise?